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Sign up for an emnify account

To begin developing your IoT solutions with emnify, you'll need an emnify account. Sign up for a free 2-month trial.

Need help verifying your phone number?

When filling out the sign-up form, you may have issues verifying your phone number.

Here are a few common error messages and what to do if you see them:

SMS verification not possibleYou've reached the maximum login attemptsThe verification code you entered is incorrect
  • Re-enter your code and click Verify again.
  • Click Resend Code and enter the new verification code once you've received it.
  • Still having trouble? Contact the emnify sales team.
The CAPTCHA you entered is incorrect
  • Re-enter the displayed CAPTCHA characters.
  • Keep in mind that CAPTCHA shows both upper and lowercase letters, so it's important to capitalize them exactly as they're shown.
  • Still having trouble? Contact the emnify sales team.

Join an emnify Workspace

A Workspace is where you manage the IoT cellular connectivity for your devices. Every emnify customer has free access to a single Workspace, and those with the Pro Package can manage multiple Workspaces.

When you join a Workspace, you'll create an account using your email address or confirm your account if you already have one. You can use the same email address to join as many Workspaces as you're invited to by an Administrator, but you may have different user roles in each Workspace.

To join a Workspace that you've been invited to, you need to accept the invitation and set up or confirm your emnify account.

  1. Check your inbox for an email invitation from emnify.
  2. Click Accept Invitation to access the web interface.
  3. Enter your full name and a password, then click Create your account.

You can use the same email address to access multiple Workspaces, but the first Workspace you join is your default. Once you create your account, an Administrator can invite you to other Workspaces.