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Add IP address spaces


Only Administrators are allowed to add more IP address spaces.

emnify safeguards every SIM with a unique static and private IP address accessible through a VPN. By default, there are 10 available IP address spaces.

To add new IP address ranges, follow the steps corresponding to your Portal interface.

  1. Log in to your emnify account.

  2. Navigate to Integrations and go to the IP Address Space Management section.

  3. Click Add IP address space.

  4. Use the dropdown menu to select an IP address space that fits your requirements.

Once added, you can see the count of IP addresses allocated to your devices and the number of available IPs in the range.


The status reads Not in use until an IP is assigned. Once assigned, the status changes to Assigned to devices. You can't edit or remove the range if your devices use it.

Remove an IP space range

To remove an IP space range, disassociate all IPs from your devices. Then, follow these instructions:

  1. Find the range you no longer need in the IP Address Space Management section.
  2. Click Delete.