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Connected devices

Connected Devices is where you manage your devices.

Create a new device

As part of the SIM registration process, you can create a new device for the newly registered SIM while still in the SIM registration dialog.

To create a new device to be used with an unattached SIM, navigate to Connected Devices and select Add Device. After providing a name for the new device and selecting device policies, you can select a SIM from the list of registered, unassigned SIMs or search for a specific SIM under Assign SIM (optional).

Get your device online

For information about configuring a device for network connectivity, see Get a device online.

Filter devices

Filters are available for both the Extensive and Plain view of the Connected Devices table. These filters allow you to query devices based on one or more properties (for example, assigned tags or the device ID).

Select the filter you want to edit and enter a value. To add multiple filter values, press the Tab key. Once you've entered all the values you want to filter by, press the Enter key or click Apply.

To remove a filter or value, click the corresponding X.

Filters can be combined or used together with the search bar. Filtered values are saved in the URL as a query parameter (for example, after filtering for devices named Alexa, the URL includes &name=Alexa at the end).


Your selected filters remain active when you visit a device's Details page. However, the filters reset if you go to another page in the Portal.

Available filters

PropertyValueWildcard supportDescription
NameStringName of a device.
ICCIDStringIntegrated circuit card identifier including the final Luhn checksum digit.
TagStringName of a tag you've assigned to a device.
Device IDStringUnique identifier for a device.
StatusPredefinedList of possible device statuses, specifically: Enabled, Disabled, Factory Test, and No SIM.
EIDStringUnique global serial number for an eUICC.
IMEIStringInternational mobile equipment identity, used to identify cellular modems.
IP addressStringUnique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network (for example,
Coverage policyPredefinedList of your configured coverage policies.
Service policyPredefinedList of your configured service policies.

Status filter

Filtering by status returns devices based on a combination of the device status and the status of the attached SIM.

Filter optionDescription
EnabledDevice status Enabled and SIM status Activated
DisabledTwo possible options:
  1. Device status Disabled and any SIM status
  2. Device status Enabled and SIM status either Issued or Suspended
Factory TestDevice status Factory Test because the device is in factory test mode (FTM).
No SIMNo SIM assigned to the device. Device status is Disabled by default.

Wildcard support

A wildcard filter lets you find various value forms based on a partial match. You can also use character matching with an asterisk *.

This is especially useful if a term has multiple spellings or you're unsure of the exact value.

For example, if you have two devices named Phase modem and My iPhone, filtering for ph or ph*e shows both devices in the results. Another example is filtering names using organi*ation shows all results regardless of whether the device name uses American (organization) or British (organisation) spelling.

Upload a CSV file

You can use a comma-separated values (CSV) file to apply multiple values to any filter that accepts string values.

This feature is especially useful if you have dozens of values (for example, 100 ICCIDs). Importing values through a CSV file lets you skip the tedious task of entering each value individually.

To upload a CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. On Connected Devices, choose the corresponding filter for the property in your CSV file (for example, ICCID).
  2. Click Import a CSV file.
  3. Drag and drop the file or select Browse file to find the file you want to import.
  4. Verify the file name and line count are correct, then click Confirm.

Each value is parsed, and the table shows any devices with the corresponding values.


Uploading a CSV file won't overwrite any existing filters. To add or remove any values, select the filter again.

Please note the following limits:

  • You can only upload one .csv or .txt file at a time
  • Maximum rows: 10,000
  • Maximum row length: 100 characters
  • The CSV file size can't exceed 400 KB in total

You can download and view a sample CSV file to use as a template. Choose the filter, select Import a CSV file, then click Download example of right format CSV.

Enter a list of values

You can also enter a list of values to filter for multiple ones simultaneously. This works for any property that accepts string values.

Lists must be plain text with every value on its own line. Write the values exactly as they appear in the Portal.

To demonstrate, if you enter the following in the Tag filter and press the Enter key:


Each value is parsed, and the table shows any devices with the test, v1, and beta tags.

Search devices

The Connected Devices search bar is next to the Add device button. It's visible on both the Extensive and Plain table view.

To search your devices, type a value in the text field, then press the Enter key. To reset, click the corresponding X.


All the Available filter properties are searchable except Status, Coverage policy, and Service policy.

Unlike filters, where the results are focused on one property, the search simultaneously looks for matches across multiple properties. For example, if you enter the number 2, the search results would show any device with 2 in its name (like WalkieTalkie 2.0), any assigned tags, or one or more of its numeric values (ICCID, EID, etc.).

The search is case insensitive, meaning GPS Tracker and gps tracker would produce the same results. You can also combine the search with filters, but searched values aren't saved in the URL.


Wildcards using an asterisk * aren't supported in the search bar.

For example, if your device's Name is My iPhone, searching phone would show results, but searching *phone wouldn't.

Get device information

To view all information about a device, navigate to Connected Devices, find it in the list, and select Details.

The General view shows the following properties:

StatusCurrent state of the device (in this document, see Device status).
ServicesIndicates whether the following services are active or disabled:
  • Data
  • SMS MT
  • SMS MO
ConnectionConnectivity status and available PDP context, with an option to reset the connectivity.

If the device is Online, click the i icon to show all connectivity information—breakout IP, MSC, VLR, etc.
Blocked networksNames of any operators on the device's networks blocklist (often used for troubleshooting).
DeviceIdentifiers for the device, including:
  • Device ID (referred to as endpoint_id when working with the REST API)
  • Configured IP address
  • IMEI and a toggle to indicate whether IMEI lock is turned on
PoliciesNames of the assigned service policy and coverage policy.
SIMProperties of the assigned SIM, including:
  • IMSI
Also includes an option to release the SIM. If there's no assigned SIM, this section is empty and shows an option to assign a SIM.
UsageData and SMS traffic based on a selected time period:
  • Last hour
  • Current month
  • Last month

For definitions of any unfamiliar terms or acronyms, see the Glossary.

Device status

EnabledA SIM is assigned to the device and activated. The device must be enabled to connect to a network.
DisabledNo SIM assigned, or the assigned SIM is suspended.
Factory TestThe assigned SIM is in factory test mode (FTM).
DeletedPermanently removed from your Connected Devices.

Configure the device status

A device has only two configurable states, Enabled or Disabled. You can toggle one or more devices between these states to control their data usage.

To create a device in FTM, see Activate FTM while creating devices.


If you're using the emnify REST API to configure devices, it's possible to have a Disabled endpoint with an Activated assigned SIM. In this case, you'll continue to accrue costs as emnify charges for activated SIMs. Be sure to suspend the assigned SIM to avoid unexpected charges.

You can also check the Dashboard to see if you have unused but charged SIMs.

Warning banner displayed for unused SIMs displayed on the emnify Portal Dashboard. It reads, '2 unused but charged SIM cards detected. We found active SIMs not connected to any device. In this case we may still charge for them, but they won't be of any use for you.' Next to this text, there's a link to the SIM Inventory and a button reading 'Deactivate SIMs now.'

Reference: Endpoint Object and Endpoint API

When you want a device to connect to a network, change its status to Enabled. To do this, use the Status toggle from the Connected Devices list or the device's Details page.

Bulk actions

You can also perform a bulk Enable/Disable operation on a group of devices.

Use a filter to display a list of the targeted devices. Once their checkboxes indicate that they have been selected, the bulk actions menu bar appears at the top of the screen. Select Device and then one of the actions:

  • Enable Devices
  • Disable Devices
Show where this happens in the Portal

Devices can't be deleted. You can rename or repurpose unwanted devices for use with unassigned SIMs. To rename devices several devices, see Rename devices in bulk.

Reset connectivity

You can reset a device's connectivity by selecting its Reset connectivity icon while viewing it in the list of Connected Devices or by selecting the Reset Connectivity link for Connection located in the Status column of the General view of the device's Details modal.

Show where this happens in the Portal